The Gift of Life

This weekend I have spent a lot of time thinking about the gift of life. The wonder of it and its fragility. Last Thursday night Patrick and I lost a dear, dear friend and the closest thing we had to a colleague in our new property development business. It was a sad, terrible accident that took him and a shock I don't think we will ever fully recover from.

He was wonderful, kind, talented and too young. We will miss you Richard, but know that as our company grows you will be with us in our hearts every step of the way. Without you we wouldn't have this business, you were the brains behind the financing, the central cog to making the machine start. We've lost a dear friend and will never forget you.

If you do one thing this week, please make it that you appreciate and celebrate life. It really is a gift and one that can sadly be taken away at any second.




Easter Bunny Biscuits!


Where is Spring?