My Home: The Lovely Lyme Regis

Just a quick post to wish you all a lovely weekend. Last weeked Patrick, Coco and I explored the beautiful town of Lyme Regis just along the coast from our new cottage and wow...what a beautiful place! The weather was amazing; we sat outside having breakfast on the beach in t-shirts...not bad for November and I have to say to all those who have been warning us about the shock we would get moving back to the English winter, we have so far been spared becauase it's been mainly sunny and mild since we returned home. Last weekend we felt as though we could have still been in Mallorca and there were even some brave swimmers to prove that the sea isn't too freezing yet...

Have a gorgeous weekend!


{Images by Patrick Butler-Madden}


Your Home: Winter Knits For Your Home


Homes Away From Home: Can Alba, Mallorca