My Home: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I hope you've had a lovely Christmas break and are feeling as positive and raring to go as I am for 2012. It really helps that the sun is shining and there is still one more day before we officially have to go back to work!  This year is the first year that I have made new year's resolutions that involve an activity or hobby rather than just a thought process {past resolutions include worrying less, eating less chocolate and drinking less wine, none of which I ever managed to stick to...} This year my first resolution is to become passionate about my garden - it is after all the first time I have ever had one and instead of continuing to look at it nervously from time to time hoping the plants will manage themselves, I have decided to embrace it and fill it with all my favourite flowers that I lust after throughout the year. These are just some of my top choices and I can't wait to get planting! I will share my second resolution with you
soon, so watch this space... 

For more inspiration and images check out my garden board on Pinterest or join Little Miss Homes on Facebook

{All images via Pinterest}

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Happy New Year from Little Miss Homes!