My Home: Furniture Painting with Annie Sloan

The third Monday of January is labelled by some as 'blue' monday, the day in which we are all supposed to be at our lowest ebb of the year...I have to say that here in West Dorset the sun is shining and it almost feels as if Spring is in the air. The garden is showing it's first signs of growth {trying to encourage me to get out there and get busy} and I feel full of excitement for the year ahead. Little Miss Homes will be celebrating its first birthday next week and to celebrate I will be launching some new pages, one of which will involve my other new hobby for 2012, painting furniture. I completed a course just before Christmas and absolutely love it! The paint I will be using is by the fabulous Annie Sloan, who is the Jamie Oliver of furniture paint; her recipe is so simple, no sanding or preparation, just apply the paint and the effect you desire and if you don't like it just do it again with a different colour. A fantastic way to upcycle and bring old, tired pieces back to life!

{Images via Annie Sloan}


Your Home: Love at First Sight!


Off to the Piste!